PRISM Logistics: Proud ‘Activated Ally’ of Numi Organic Tea
Fundraising Gala to Celebrate 20 Years ʻHelping Communities Thriveʼ
Numi is celebrating two decades of ‘keeping it real and making a difference,’ with a fundraising Gala on September 27, 2019 that will highlight their work globally and the achievements of Numi Foundation in providing communities fuel to thrive. To commemorate years of community nourishment, the gala will raise funds to support Numi Foundation and continue its meaningful work across the globe.
Operating as Numi Tea’s exclusive logistics partner, PRISM has grown alongside Numi over the years, expanding services, securing organic facilities operation certification and delivering product and packaging innovation.
“Sharing values makes for a lasting relationship that can strengthen and grow over time, regardless of business ups and downs. PRISM and Numi share a vision for a better world and a commitment to helping communities thrive.”
Jeremy Van Puffelen, VP Business development for PRISM
PRISM and Numi share a vision for better world, and a belief that investing in people and communities will bring it into being. Team PRISM is proud to partner with Numi and we congratulate them on making such a positive impact on so many people in 20 years. We look forward to supporting Numi success in the next 20 years!