Covid19: PRISM Business Continuity Plan: REVISED 4-21-2020
APRIL 21, 2020 UPDATE — To Our Customers and Partner Vendors,
In an effort to maintain open communication with those who we serve, we would like to provide some information regarding the steps taken to provide for PRISM’s business continuity in the face of Covid-19. While the safety of our PRISM Team is paramount, we understand that we are the final point between your product and the end consumer.
Currently, all of our facilities are operating at full capacity, and we have been deemed an “Essential Business”. At this time, we have not heard of any health hazards, local shutdowns, or the like that lead us to believe we will not be able to continue doing so. In the event we have a need to operate at less than full capacity, we will send an immediate update to let you know the reason and timing.
While the picking, shipping, and delivering is work that can only be done with employees on site, the PRISM management team does have the ability to access all pertinent business information from offsite locations. With 7 facilities around Northern California, we also have the ability to access additional labor from other locations should the need arise. While we have taken steps to mitigate work loss due to Covid-19, we are aware of many districts that have closed public schools for the remainder of the calendar year, which can put a strain on many family households. PRISM management will continue to meet daily, and be flexible with employees to handle their personal matters when necessary while also maintaining our normal workload. We will continue to monitor local situations and adapt with changes as they come.
Internally, we have included, but not limited, the below measures to help prevent potential exposure to Covid-19:
- Requested that any employee feeling ill, especially those with symptoms similar to those experienced with Covid-19, remain at home. If an employee continues to experience symptoms more than 72 hours, they will not be able to return to work until they have been tested and supply proof of a Coronavirus test being negative.
- We’ve established a process to communicate information to employees on the Coronavirus (or other infectious diseases), with the aim to reduce employee fear, anxiety, rumors, and misinformation. Meetings are held bi-weekly with all facilities for continuing preventive measures education and to review the areas that need improvement. Shift schedules have been changed to minimize the amount of team members on break or lunch at one time. Meetings are being held outside in the parking lot for facilities with 50 or more employees and no more than 10-15 employees at a time to allow ample spacing.
- Updated sanitation procedures with a focus on high-tough points and areas with common traffic. This includes both office and warehouse equipment. We’ve added 1-2 full time sanitation personnel depending on the size of the facility to do nothing but sanitize all common areas while there are employees present.
- Passed out and posted information to employees regarding proper hand washing and hygiene, most importantly hand washing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, as well as utilizing the hand sanitizers throughout each location often. We have encouraged employees to allow ample space and avoid any “touch” greetings. Social Distancing signs have been posted throughout all areas, including driver entrances, office, breakrooms, and restrooms within the warehouse as a constant reminder.
- Requested non-essential vendors avoid entering any PRISM facility. If they do enter the facility, they will be required to wear a face covering.
- We’ve instituted a face covering policy. Due to the shortage of masks, we have contracted a company to make cloth masks with filters that all personnel will be required to wear at all times. We will have additional masks available in case an employee loses or forgets to bring theirs to work. It will the employee’s responsibility to clean their mask daily. Once masks become more readily available, we will be switching over to surgical masks.
Notice to Carriers, Vendors, and Other Business Partners at PRISM Logistics
Effective Enforcement Date- Monday, April 20th, 2020
Please be advised that recommendations from the CDC with regards to wearing face coverings have changed, and as such, PRISM Logistics will require all personnel on-site to wear a face covering. These changes DO NOT change previous guidelines implemented, and strict adherence to the 6-feet physical distancing and hygiene will continue to be emphasized. Recent studies show that a significant portion of affected people have no symptoms of the disease, but can still transmit Covid-19 to others. As we continue to learn more about the disease, we will change our guidelines to prevent transmission within our facilities, while at the same time educating others on how to slow the spread.
Below are the recommendations for an appropriate face covering:
- fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
- be secured with ties or ear loops
- include multiple layers of fabric
- allow for breathing without restriction
- be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
PRISM understands that not all personnel will have access to a cloth mask, and therefore will allow pre-made disposable masks while on site.
- Added multiple automatic hand sanitizer stations throughout all common areas, including entrances, office, break areas and driver shipping windows. Personal sanitation bottles are also placed on desks and are being refilled as needed. Updated/added Plexiglas windows to all shipping and receiving offices to separate drivers from shipping clerks.
- Placed tape on the floor for drivers entrances 6’ apart with notices for one at a time at the window. No more than 2 drivers are allowed in the warehouse at one time. Signs are posted at all driver’s entrances to notify them of the process.
- Placed tape in all offices at 6’ intervals outside of desks and cubicles to remind employees to keep the social distance. Minimized the number of chairs at all tables in the break room to only 2 per table to allow the social distancing space.
- Drivers will only be allowed in the facility for sign in and out processes. Hand sanitizer will be available at all shipping and receiving offices and use will be encouraged with signs posted to use each time.
Supplied pairs of latex/vinyl gloves to make available to the employees and will continue to purchase as needed. All office personnel are required to wear gloves while working in common areas such as shipping and receiving areas. - All employees have been given a spray bottle with a bleach and water mixture that has their name written on the bottle, along with a disposable rag. They are to spray and wipe down all material handling, RF equipment and radios before their shifts, throughout the day and after their shift is completed. The bleach solution is added or changed out daily to maintain the effectiveness. There are no common cleaning supplies being used, all janitorial staff are required to wear gloves at all times.
- PRISM has contracted our pest control service to perform Virucide Treatments when and if needed. They have set up pre-determined staging and decontamination areas. ULV space fogging to designated areas with virucide utilizing calibrated adjustable fogger to ensure thorough treatment will be performed. They will conduct decontamination process and discard all materials offsite.
Employee who appear to have symptoms, (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) upon arrival at or who become sick during the day will immediately be separated from other employees, customers, and visitors and sent home. - If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19 infection, employers should inform fellow employees of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace but maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The fellow employees should then self-monitor for symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath).
- We have identified “Key Employees” from our management team, purchased and set up home work stations in the event it is deemed necessary they work from home. We’re presently have all management teams on site and will continue to do so. Each key employee has a cell phone and we will work on setting up a forwarding system provide the number to all customers associated with the facility in case they are required to work from home. We don’t anticipate a stay at home order since our business is “Essential”.
All employees were given a letter to keep in their possession identifying them as “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers”. As of 3-20-2020 as posted by US Department of Homeland Security
- Workers supporting groceries, pharmacies and other retail that sells food and beverage products
- Food manufacturer employees and their supplier employees—to include those employed in food processing (packers, meat processing, cheese plants, milk plants, produce, etc.) facilities; livestock, poultry, seafood slaughter facilities; pet and animal feed processing facilities; human food facilities producing by-products for animal food; beverage production facilities; and the production of food packaging
- Employees and firms supporting food, feed, and beverage distribution, including warehouse workers, vendor- managed inventory controllers and block chain managers
- Workers supporting the sanitation of all food manufacturing processes and operations from wholesale to retail
Workers who support the manufacture and distribution of forest products, including, but not limited to timber, paper, and other wood products
We will continue to monitor and update our Continuity Plan as more information becomes available. We are following the guidelines of the CDC, and will make changes as necessary where the CDC updates any best practices. The health and safety of our PRISM Team will continue to be our first and foremost concern. We will do everything that we can to ensure that our business operates as normal as possible to prevent any disruption in the supply chain.
From our PRISM Family, thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate this challenging environment for all of us.
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